About the Artist


Fine Craft that is intended to be loved and used every day.

I decided as an eleven year-old that I wanted to become a potter.

Widening interest during my high school and college years led me to advancing skills in watercolor painting, silversmithing, fiber arts, kiln building, guitar-playing.  Never ranging too far outside the realms of skill in the arts, my development as an artist seemed to be almost without limits.  

But the clay. . . the CLAY was my first love.

George, Washington's Potter

Debby Lankford Kooy has been a producing Artist-Potter since graduating from the University of Northern Colorado with a BA in Fine arts in 1976. 
She is a wife, mother of four children, and grandmother of 7.  

She and her husband are active in their community, participating in leadership of the George Community Hall, where all promo is done in-house by Debby, who has acquired a few Graphic Design skills over the years.  Debby and Elliot direct all music events including the twice-monthly Musicians' Jams, the George CoffeeHouse, the annual Bluegrass Festival, and the Fourth of July at George, WA celebration.  Details of these events can be found at www.georgecommunityhall.com.

Strategies & Plans

The 2020-21 Pandemic has forced changes that have worked in the favor of Debby Kooy Pottery, providing Debby with more time in the studio!  She plans to host monthly art events at her studio location in the near future.


I am always trying new forms, new designs, new methods of fabricating or decorating pots.  I am always willing to try new ideas for pottery use, even those thought-of by my customers!

Tested Expertise

With my years of experience, I know what clay can do, and I know that I can make it get up and dance!  What can I make for you?

Quality Guaranteed

My pottery is fired to a temperature of 2,450 degrees F. This insures that the ware has a strength and durability that can withstand daily use, and is oven-proof, microwave and dishwasher-safe. 

 All glazes are lead-free.

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